August is so crammed with stuf that we needed two blog posts to get it all in. The most immediate thing going on is Rompy's Summer Concert to Benefit CJSTUF. That's TOMORROW! All the final details are coming together and even if it rains, it will be a great time. Our featured performer will be Vinx. He's not to be missed.
It will be at Stonewall Square Shopping Center at 6300 Mechanicsville Tpke in Mechanicsville from 5:30-7:30. We've got a boatload of generous sponsors who are making it so that CJSTUF doesn't have to pay a thing which means all raffles and such are going to the Foundation 100%. We can't thank them enough.
There will also be other organizations present. The VA Blood Services Bloodmobile will be there so if you're eligible, please plan to give blood. I understand they will be bringing the "big" bus where people can do a "double" donation. That's a lot of lives affected by just one act of kindness. Many of the friends we've met in clinic or even via the internet still have serious struggles ahead of them including frequent blood/platelet transfusions. It's gotta come from somewhere so let's roll up our sleeves! I plan to be first in line.
The other cool organization is the 501st Legion Vader's Fist. A group of Star Wars enthusiasts who dress in officially sanctioned Start Wars costumes and raise funds for good causes. They were at one of our concerts last year and were a huge hit!
(TANGENT: As I listen to this music, I am reminded from where John Williams "borrowed" his theme for Indiana Jones. There might even be ideas for Star Wars lying around in there as well.)
So where was I? Oh yeah, the Star Wars guys will be on hand for photo ops and general tyrannical oppression (Suggested $5 donation, please).
That reminds me, we need some volunteers to help them collect money. That way, they don't have to mess with it. If you want to volunteer in any way, please show up sometime between 4:30-5:00pm. I'm sure we can find something for you to do.
Another fine organization coming to the party is the Hanover County Fire/EMS Engine #7. They'll be bringing at least one truck and will let the little ones climb on to check things out. No cost there.
Other possible vehicles showing up might include:
C&F Bank's "Toaster" car
A race car from Battlefield Service Center
A BMW from Richmond BMW on Midlothian
Romp n' Roll will be open
We are planning to have the concert outside but there is a chance for isolated thunder showers. If that happens, we'll move it inside Romp n' Roll and the vendors can set up under the overhang. It will happen no matter what and it will still be a hoot!
Please bring folding chairs if you'd like. We might actually need an extra table or two. Just throw one in the back of your car just in case! :-)
The next pressing item on the agenda is the Bluemont Concert Series in Ashland. The next concert, to be held at the Hanover Arts & Activity Center will be this Sunday from 7-9pm and CJSTUF has been invited to occupy a bake sale booth. We already have some folks baking things but small batches of very creative, butterfly themed (or just pink and purple) goodies might be very nice to have. They all have to be individually wrapped for sale (groups of things are O.K.). The concert is $10 and we get to keep what we make from the bake sale. We're actually as interested in raising awareness as anything so if you come, don't hesitate to let people know about us. The group is called Mandalele and looks to be very interesting.
Next (in the fourth movement, now. This is the one that really gets to me)
We are planning a special event in cooperation with the Ashland Police Department. It will be on the morning of Saturday, October 2 from 9-12 at a location yet to be determined.
Here's how it will work: We will have a clearly marked area in a parking lot or bus pick-up/drop-off area of a school or church and drivers will voluntarily pull in to be handed a "ticket" by an officer (looking suspiciously like Chief Doug Goodman). The levels of "fine" will be:
$5 for a minor traffic infraction
$10 for a "good tail chewin'" by an officer (think smackdown talk by pro wrestlers)
$25 for a full sobriety test (touch your nose, walk a straight line, ABC's backwards, etc...)
Then you'll proceed to our celebrity judge where the "bailiff" will conveniently take your fine...I mean donation to CJSTUF!
We also hope to have car-side entertainers in case you bring little ones with you. There may also be a playground nearby but that will only be bonus happenstance (love that word!) Any jugglers, stilt walkers, or acoustic musicians out there? Hanover Kids will probably play a roll in the festivities as well.
Here's yet another very cool thing that has just popped up. Unbeknown to us, the website has been setting aside a portion of sales of their discount card for CJSTUF. It seems she has set the deadline for TODAY! So if you would like to get a deal and help out CJSTUF, hop on over to right now. That's ok, I'll wait!
Good, now you're back.
Of course, this update has taken me all day and I've gone through several playlists, all of which were good but not too "moment" inducing. Kind of a nice relief.
I'll sign off for now but I'm sure we'll be back soon enough.
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