Well, it's that time again when it seems everyone is either making top 10 lists of what happened the last year or predicting what's GOING to happen next year.
Well, I'll jump on the band wagon and give you a list of my own.

Cougot's Chimney Service - We had them replace the panels in the fireplace and then, when one of them cracked again, they replaced it for free even though they really didn't have to. They were polite and usually early. http://cougotschimneyservice.com/
Atlee Chiropractic Center - Dr. Anna Madland Bender has been the family chiropractor since before Charlotte was born and continues to be amazing for all her patients. http://www.atleechiropractic.com/
AAA - I need them, I call them, they're there. Plus, they even offer "Tipsy Tow" service in some areas for free and you don't even have to be a member. Call: 1-800-222-4357 to see if they are going your way.
Primos Pizza Mechanicsville and Pepicelli's Pizza Ashland - Between the two of them, that's where I eat 99% of my pizza. Yummy all around!
The Bed Corner in Mechanicsville - We bought a bed there. It's very comfy. http://www.thebedcorner.com/
Target - Because "there's ALWAYS something to buy at Target!" (Said Charlotte)
Cracker Barrel - the food is great, the service is fabulous, and they have all that wonderful candy!
Air Park Auto - We have gotten a lot of our basic maintenance done there. And as with most on this list, the service is always great. http://www.airparkauto.com/ He also has a party business on the side just in care you were in the market for a bounce house or something.
VW Motor Rebuilders - Speaking of auto repair, this is the only place Rachel wants looking at her car. The place kind of looks like a dive from the outside but the guy is knowledgeable, fast, and honest! 804-798-6437
Taza Coffee n Cream in Westover Hills - My little oasis across the river. There's a chocolatier on premises and they support the arts. I picked up a few pieces for the Art Auction by meeting artists who had art on the wall there. http://www.tazacnc.com/
And a bonus - Humana One Insurance. Yeah, I know we had to wrestle with them a time or two when we were getting treatment for Charlotte but they always paid and with the police I still have with them, it has come in very handy for the little esophageal procedure I had done and some other little things here and there.
And now for some predictions:
The Green Bay Packers and the Denver Broncos will meet again in Super Bowl XLVI.
CJ's CD will be recorded and produced with the help of the very talented local Richmond music scene.
Barack Obama will get re-elected but will choose Steven Colbert for vice-president and Jon Stewart for Secretary Of State. Hillary Clinton will begin writing children's books
CJSTUF will distribute $50,000 in financial assistance grants, meals, and emergency funds.
On December 13, 2012, I will wake up in a strange hotel room in North Korea with a massive hangover and a chubby Korean guy named Kim passed out in the bed next to me. Oh, and don't forget the llama with the red silk boxing trunks chewing on what appears to be the remnants of a US $1,000 bill.
And in conclusion:
Yet another year to which I say "good riddance" has ended although I can honestly say it didn't suck quite as much as 2009 or 2010. 2012 is shaping up to be a very good year for CJSTUF. Let's hope so.
If I could offer everybody one wish, it would be that you gain a little more peace this year than you had last year.
Now go have an adventure!
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