Run, walk, or mosey on down!
The Ukrop's Monument Ave 10K is coming up on March 27th and somehow, we have ended up with unused registrations. I gave out codes for every spot and then some but as of this writing there are still slots available.
Registration officially closes at midnight tonight so I'm putting out the codes and the number of unused spots here in the hope that someone will use them. There is a pledge form on the home page if you desire to gather contributions for and a t-shirt is available if you wouldn't mind sending me you size.
There is no cost to participants but enough donations to cover the $35 or so for the registration and t-shirt wouldn't be a bad thing. Go to the Sportsbacker's registration site and enter everything like normal and then when it comes time to pay, put in one of the codes from below. Hit "Verify." If someone didn't beat you to it, you'll be registered.
Remember, registration closes at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Wednesday, March, 10, 2010.
Here are the codes and the # of slots available for each:
cjsthumbsupfoundation5ktb 2 slots
cjsthumbsupfoundation7jd7 3 slots
CJsThumbsUpFoundation7DLG 1 slot
If you don't want to do the 10k but want to participate, our TEAM CJ Spirit Group will be a wonderous thing and we can always use more butterflies. Spirit Groupers who collect pledges will also get a t-shirt. Meredith Hayes is the chair of that committee if you'd like to cheer us on.
If you're one of those given a code and slot earlier and have not registered, I apologize if there was any miscommunication or confusion. We're already working on a system for future events to streamline the process.
Now on to the "Carbo-Cram" (I've decided this is what we're calling it this time. The title might change after the Marketing Committee meeting tonight! Klauers, Feel free to offer your opinion.)
This will be a pasta party for TEAM CJ and TEAM Reese participants and their families; co-hosted by and CJSTUF. It will be held on Friday, March 26th starting at 6:30pm at Shady Grove United Methodist Church in Mechanicsville (Same location as the FABULOUSLY successful Thumb's Up Ball). There's no cost but if anyone wants to drop a donation in the jar, we won't throw it back at you.
There's an event description on the CJ's Thumbs Up Foundation Facebook page but if you don't "do" FB, please just drop us a line and tell us you're coming and how many there will be in your party. I will be your maitre'd (no idea how to spell that and, apparently, neither does my computer) I'm planning on about 100 but if everyone registered for both teams actually comes with family, there could be significantly more so we need a good count.
What we need are a few good cooks. We already have a few but can always use more.
We would also like to provide some childcare and need volunteers for that. Hold off contacting us until we confirm we have the space available. I'm not worried about finding the warm bodies.
Last but not least, we need the food, drinks, plates, utensils, etc... Pasta, sauce garlic bread, salad, dessert (preferably something chocolate! Other things to for those not able to eat chocolate.), tea, sodas, water, anything else we can think of off the top of our heads. You can start dropping off items at Romp n' Roll whenever you like. I said the Wednesday before on the event description but that seems too close to to the event. Bring it on now!
The very cool and totally stylish TEAM CJ t-shirts will be officially handed out then unless you just can't wait and want them sooner. Let me know so I can try to have them with me.
This is all about eating, drinking (non-alcoholic, of course), and sharing in the glow of "The Network" that you all have so generously built up around Reese's family and ours. Oh, yeah, and carbo-cramming!
For those running/walking/mosey-ing the 10K, 17 more days to go! Don't think we're going to get an official group run in but I will scope a good meeting point for all of us the morning of the race. It will have to be a good bit before the race as the TEAM CJ Spirit Group will have to head on down to the Arthur Ashe statue near Roseneath and Monument since that's where they will be stationed, cheering us along on butterfly's wings.
I'm not exactly sure where the Reesestrong spirit group is stationed but make sure you scream and yell with them as you zoom(?) past.
On to other things:
This weekend was pretty exhausting but as you may have heard, Rachel finished the first draft of the book! Totally worth the extra work. I'm reading it now, offering my .02¢ worth. I told her not to tell me how it ends but she said something about not watching My Girl.
Starting next week, I will be taking some of those non-profit learning classes the Rachel has been taking through VCU. The first is a sorely needed time management class (everyone stop laughing!). It's a weird thought that I haven't taken official college classes in many years but I figure preparing for the classes I taught at Randolph-Macon College and elsewhere will at least help a little.
These are also very long, all-day courses so it will probably seem more like a conference, only more interactive, and I'm all about conferences.
Both Rachel and I are fighting off colds, nothing too bad at all but we will be bathing in hand sanitizer at the store and not touching the kiddies too much if at all possible. The Zinc and vitamins are rolling.
Well, want to get this out so people can dive at the 10K registrations. Don't bonk your heads, now! :-)
Our best to the Berry, Braun, and Waters families who all both back home from their "vacations" at MCV.
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