Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tattoo Anyone?

We at CJ's Thumbs Up Foundation are very proud to announce that the entire Board of Directors (John Toscano, Dr. Anna Madland, Meredith Hayes, Pam Meyers, Kim Thies, Jay Campbell, Emily Starrett, Lauren Coe, Rachel and myself) went out as a team this afternoon to Red Dragon Tattoo emporium and all got CJ Butterfly tattoos on various parts of our bodies! (Mostly on the shoulders but let's just say I'm feeling just a bit naughty at the moment!)

Red Dragon was the only place in town that could accommodate all of us at one time and they gave us a heck of a deal. CJSTUF subsidized the "ink" through the marketing fund so everything is above board and legal! It took a bit of convincing to get Jay in the chair but a couple shots of Goldschlager will do wonders in these situations.

It kind of hurt (mine especially) but everyone showed remarkable strength and resolve. I was very proud of the whole team, especially Meredith whose artist (interestingly named Sandpaper Sally) had to start over at one point because she realized she was using the wrong pigment of pink.

As soon as we heal up a bit, we'll get a big group photo of everyone's "skin art" posted. Well, all except mine... :-)

Take care,


  1. Is there a jealous option here? I can't wait to see the picture!

  2. If you decide to really get the tattoos you should go to River City:) They are the greatest!


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