Monday, January 26, 2009

Progress and Reese

A Good day so far! She is needing less medication than expected and they actually want to fade the morphine doses now and just get by with tylenol. So far so good. She was up and out of bed, sitting in daddy's lap and watching TV. Speech came by and gave the OK for food. She is starting slowly and the NG tube will stay in for now (just in case) but she ate some graham crackers and drank some water. Very happy!

Her color and demeanor just look so much better today. She is napping right now.
We actually should get news on the pathlogy report today (this afternoon) so we are waiting anxiously for that! Let's get this ball rolling!

On a related note, we just found out that one of our Romp n' Roll families is going through a similar experience right now here at MCV. Her older daughter (she's 6) is a few weeks post-op from tumor surgery and they are getting ready to go to Kluge for rehab treatment before radiation begins. We lift Reese up in prayer as well. It is so good to make contact with these families and share stories. It's crazy how the world works sometimes.

I'll sign off for now but hope to have an update by the end of the day!

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