Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crazy Weekend

I guess it's my turn to update today. It's been kind of a crazy weekend in many ways.

Friday, I kind of had the day to "myself". I ran errands for work and home, went to visit our friend Wyatt in the hospital who (poor thing!) was bit by a copperhead snake! Wyatt just turned four and is such a dear. It was sad to see him in pain in the hospital. Good news is the antivenom seems to be working and he went home for recuperation that day (basically just 24 hours in the hospital). Finally capped the day off with a long-overdue pedicure (yay!) at Divas.

When I got home, I found Meredith and Phyllis organizing Charlotte's new art/table area. Meredith had this great idea to use the wall space to install a peg board (painted to match our decor) with some fun organizer containers for storing note pads, books, crayons, art gear, etc. So far it's looking great. Between that and moving a few other pieces of furniture around, the downstairs is looking WAY more organized.

Saturday was a morning of work for me. Then I read Roger's post and made the mistake of going to Zach's Caring Bridge site which sent me into a seriously emotional tailspin. I think between all the frustration of the week combined with his very sad situation, I just lost it. Fortunately, Roger and I were already planning a date for the evening and my aunt and I spent the afternoon getting some retail therapy. We went for a mini shopping spree at Kohl's and got some great deals. Got a few other necessities while we were out and about and headed home.

When I got home, Roger was making Charlotte's dinner and we still hadn't settled on any evening plans. I did some research and realized that the Dance Space was having one of their Swing Dance evenings SOOO....we got kinda dressed up, went to Mekong for dinner (one of my faves) and then went upstairs to the Dance Space. For those who have never been before, basically you just pay $7 per person (on the honor system) and the dance floor is open to anyone. They play swing music for about 4 hours. There are apparently some "regulars" there and folks at all levels of dancing ability. For those who don't know, Roger and I have taken a few lessons (back in the day) and we do love to go dancing. Just haven't done it in a while. It took us a little while to find our "groove" again but it was a LOT of fun, great exercise, and I think we picked up a few new moves watching the others. It really was a great evening.

This morning and afternoon has been all about playing catch up. The office has needed a big cleaning out for a while so that has been the biggest project. Roger raided the neighbors new wood pile (they just cut down a few trees and let him take whatever he liked for firewood) and Charlotte is puttering around the house staying very busy. She's currently playing with Uncle Kolbey.

I am hopeful that this week will give us some more answers because the last week was definitely one of the most frustrating I've spent in this whole process. I'm just tired of living in limbo and I don't want that tumor to have ANY more chance of growing. While I tell myself to live one day at a time (and really that's all I can do), I can't keep living like this. Emotional fatigue has definitely set in and it's driving me CRAZY. Thanks again to everyone offering moral and emotional support. The counselor and I have a "date" tomorrow morning and (as usual) it will be well-timed.

Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend. The weather is fabulous!


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