Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Great Day

I can't figure Charlotte out. She starts to look zombiesque and then turns around and has a great day.

We went to the Home-based Business Bazaar and she didn't seem to do that well. We made the rounds and saw a few friends and RNR members like the Flanagans, Bridget, Evan, Malia, Xavier. We ended up in the nursery where we stayed for a while. There were some very nice things for sale and I know Granny did her share to make it a successful event.

Then we made our exit and I promptly pulled something in my back somewhere between the front door and the end of the sidewalk. I have no idea what I did but it started really bothering me by the time we got to the car.

When we got home, I fed Charlotte lunch and took some Vitamine "I." Granny was merciful and took CJ over the Uncle Kolbey's house so I could get the ice going in best Dr. Anna style, "20 minutes on, 20 minutes off."

While I sat on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, I found myself watching, Farrah's Story. This is not a show to watch if you're emotionally fragile but if you want a real look into the life of a cancer patient, with all the ups and down, the side effects, the hopes, the impact on families, etc...then watch it.

It really ran me down though and I found myself slipping into Seriously Bummedsville a few times. Kinda ruined my day. I told Rachel tonight that it's my every 6-month funk which is actually happening once or twice a month these days.

Rachel went in to teach a class and lead Brithday Bashes today and I went in to help with the first ever Awesome Adventure Party! I was pretty much useless with my back/shoulder so I worked front desk and the regular crew wowed them. It was a pretty successful party from what I saw/heard.

When we got home, Charlotte was already saying she wanted to go to bed so we brought her back home and got her ready. She ended up having a great day, pooping, eating, drinking, and having lots of educational fun with Granny. She was just pooped.


Some of you have asked me to repeat Deb Harper's contact information. If you haven't seen yet, Deb did a photo shoot with us last week and took some FABULOUS pics of Charlotte (me and Roger too). She is doing a "Pictures for Charlotte" fundraiser where she will take pics of your family (wherever you wish) and give you an edited CD of the prints in exchange for a donation of your choice for Charlotte.

If you are on Facebook, you can take a look at the pics on either mine or Roger's sites. We should have some posted to the Caring Bridge site soon.

Her contact info is: Deb Harper (804) 273-0064


Aunt B and Uncle Not-So-Hairy headed off to the Hawaiian Islands this morning and Reesestrong (the doll) went with them. Can't wait to hear the stories and see the pics.

Extra positive thoughts should go out to the Reilly family as their son, Liam, who we met at the Neslon Clinic, passed away on Monday the 22nd. I say again, cancer really, really sucks!

On a more positive note, Nile, the boy with sickle cell anemia I met in the MRI room, has had a good go of things lately as he got to meet the Super Bowl Champ Steelers and received a bunch of stuff from his favorite team, the Washington Redskins. He even got a call from Santanna Moss (wide receiver). The absolute BEST thing is that he will be receiving his bone marrow transplant next week (I think)!

Here's his CB site: The Redskins visit (Howiette the Hoggett actually) was caught on film and his expression when he realized what was going on was priceless (no pun intended). It's part of Channel 12 About Town. I've asked Nile to forward a link to the video.

Just got notice that Rachel posted another new update to CJ's journal. Hope you don't mind the multiple posts. Don't forget to read Rachel's last post about Deb Harper's photo shoots!

CJ has had two "walks" around the neighbourhood today and is currently next door with Granny working on some of those cookies. She watched "Mary Poppins" again today and when I asked her if she would like Mary Poppins to visit again and bring her tea set, she said "Yes!"

Everything depends on her numbers but hopefully we can get it planned soon.

Tomorrow is a very long day because we're starting a new drug in the mix and they have to do some extra tests and such. Heard from the Klauers that they will be having a long day of it too. It'll be a Dad's day by the looks of it. The two families are conspiring to open a Tiki Bar at the Nelson Clinic as part of our new "Adult Life" department! :-)

So here's to everyone fighting the good fight past, present, and future. I raise a toast to you all.

Now on to an ice cream party!

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