Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We Are HOME!

Charlotte had a great day yesterday. She was moved off the PICU to the regular peds unit (7 East) and spent most of the day entertaining herself and everyone else. By the time I got there in the mid afternoon, she was singing and just looking her adorable little self.

She has had two good sized poops in 24 hours (yay) so we are all pretty happy with the way things are moving (so to speak). She is also eating and drinking pretty well. We took her for a few walks and she was very motivated to go. In fact, we had to almost run to keep up with the IV pull coming behind her! She visited one of the playrooms to do some watercolor painting and we also had some visits from the hospital preschool teacher.

If all goes well, she should have a CT scan again sometime today (just to be sure everything is fine) and then she will go HOME. Hooray.

We still don't have official word from Dr. Khan yet about the next steps but I spoke with our nurse practitioner yesterday and she is in communication with him about where we go from here. Hopefully we should have some answers soon. I am guessing radiation will be the next step so it's just a matter of picking a date and starting talks with the radiation oncologist.

Gotta run and get ready for a busy day!


Update: We are HOME!

She had a good night and we FINALLY got a CT scan at about 3 PM. Dr. Tye had basically given the clearance to go home before then but they had to do the CT just to be sure.

In the meantime, she had a productive afternoon that included a visit from Ms. Nodra, the Pre-K teacher on the unit. Ms. Nodra has had a chance to really get to know Charotte over the past few months so she brought some great activities. In about 45 minutes, Charlotte worked on letter sounds, letter names, puzzles, counting, writing (numbers and letters) and a few other great skills. It was good exercise for her brain.

We came home to a welcome home dinner over at Granny Dot's and now it's storming like crazy (yay for rain). Oh, she also called Gramps in Florida to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Grandpa and Grandma Bonita leave tomorrow to go back to TN. MUCH MUCH MUCH thanks to them for all the help this past week. We couldn't have done everything we've done without them.

We will go by Qdoba tomorrow to pick up our fundraising check from Lisa. No word on the final total but we are excited. Speaking of which, they are doing ANOTHER fundraiser at the Willow Lawn store tomorrow for an organization called Noah's Children. There is no burrito contest but it is another "portion of the proceeds for every meal goes to the organization" deal. If you are in the Willow Lawn area tomorrow, please come out to support them. They are a great restaurant with good food and they do a lot of good work for the community. I think the fundraiser is basically all day.

My good friend (make that GREAT friend) Amy will be flying in from Ohio on Friday to help us for a few days. Then Aunt Phyllis will come for a turn. It will be a busy few days with the Strawberry Faire on Saturday and a Southern Horizon gig for Roger. Not to mention our normal busy stuff. Hoping to make it to the church picnic Sunday too. We shall see!!

It will be nice to be home for a bit. I hope we hear from Oncology in the next few days with some answers.

Signing off...

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