Friday, July 10, 2009

A Big Day

Big day followed by big day.

Charlotte did very well yesterday considering her anti-social tendencies these days. The football player visit at the clinic ended up being very cool and video of the crew singing "Frosty" was on CBS 6 yesterday. She was singing right along.

Then we headed back to RNR to get things set up for the concert. We cut things a bit close but it all worked out. Even the weather cooperated!

When I couldn't be at the concert last night, CJ hung out with Uncle Kolbey or Mommy. She was very excited to see "Mr. John" John Robison who heads up Southern Horizon (my Civil War era band). When Rompy showed up, Rachel had to tell her it was Daddy before she would come close.

Rachel already gave you the numbers but it doesn't really tell the story of how cool the vibe was last night. Everyone was having a good time and I think we surprised the Chick-fil-a folks with how successful the evening turned out.

Thanks to everyone involved. Definitely a group effort. And today will be just as nuts!

Now for get well wishes to someone else: our wonderful utility infielder and ebullient front desk staffer, Margie Madrigal has been quite under the weather and is recovering at Henrico Doctor's Hospital. Please put her on the lists.

I'm including a photo of the 501st Legion of Vader's Fist, Rompy, Mommy, and the princess in front of the VA Blood Services bus. The storm troopers kept aiming their weapons at Rompy for some reason and Obi Wan tried to "fix" Rompy with his light saber!

A very good time and more will be had tonight. Hope to see you all there.


What a great party! I don't think Charlotte's birthday party could have been much better. Thanks to everyone who was able to come out and give the princess her send-off to TX. We had a GREAT crowd and I think even Charlotte had fun for a bit. She certainly ate a lot of cake!

There are many people to thank. First, thanks to Jeni for making the beautiful (and yummy!) Tinkerbell cake and to our NM/CO family for ordering the yummy DQ ice cream cakes. There is some (but not a lot) left over. That goes to show you what a crowd we had!

Next, a HUGE thank you to our staff, many of whom were there tonight and worked hard to make this party a success while being "off the clock". Roger and I appreciate the time and effort you all put into your work and especially the time you put in "unpaid" on Charlotte's behalf. The party would not have been quite the success it was without you. BIG thanks to Annette for guarding the desk, Anna and Lindsey for guarding the moonbounce, Anthony for doing a lot of cleanup and blowing up balloons, Kolbey and Annette (and Michael and Babz too!!!) for assisting big-time with cleanup, and I'm probably forgetting specific things but THANK YOU to all the Romp n' Roll VCM staff who were able to be there tonight. This warrants a further shout-out to Margie who is still very under-the-weather. We missed you this week and wish you a speedy recovery!!

Another big thank you to the family and friends who just helped with every little thing tonight (putting out napkins, blowing up balloons, taking out the name it!). Many of you have future careers leading romp n' roll parties...

Thanks for the cards and (yes there were a few) gifts. Some of you even got sneaky and brought presents "for Roger and Rachel because you only said no presents for Charlotte." Nice. Some of the cards that were handmade by the kids are really great! I got an extra SPECIAL present this evening. A bunch of you (and you know who you are) all chipped in and got me a FULL SPA DAY at Divas which I plan to use sometime after I come back from these first few days in Texas. What a very special and much needed gift. You bet I will use it!!! I understand Meredith was the Queen Bee organizing this effort but thanks to all who contributed as well.

So we are home. Charlotte is asleep. We are (mostly) packed. Just down to the final few items and then it's time to get a few hours' sleep before a big trip to the airport EARLY in the AM.

Our next post should be from TX.


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