Tuesday, July 28, 2009

She is Doing Pretty Well

Another good day...except NO POOP!! Otherwise, she is doing pretty well. She slept about 11 hours last night. I let her sleep as long as she wanted to reduce the amount of time that she is NPO and she got up a little after 9. That gave me the morning to write a few thank you notes, read my book, and toodle around on the internet. Plus, I got to eat my breakfast without having her watch me.

We got up and decided to walk over to the MDA main building for the shuttle to the proton center. She walked over a block all by herself (her choice). While she was slow, she did a great job. It actually wasn't unbearably hot as there has been a steady breeze blowing for the last 24 hours. Still hot but at least breezy and the walk from RMH to MDA is pretty well shaded. We caught the shuttle and made it over to the proton center with plenty of time and they got her right in for her appointment with Dr. Woo. The ladies at the center (all the nurses and assistants) make such a big deal over her. Today she was extra cute with her superstar sunglasses. Dr. Woo didn't seem ultra concerned with her lack of poop and was happy that her weight was stable and she doesn't seem to have any other aversive symptoms related to the proton therapy. After he was happy seeing her, we were given the option to go back to the lobby or hang out in the exam room. CJ chose to stay put so I read my book while she read books and watched videos and was greeted intermittently by the proton therapy staff.

Grandpa and Juanita arrived around 12:30/1 PM and she went out to greet them. Then she decided she wanted to go upstairs and check out the playroom there. Boy, was our timing good. The child life specialist had just arrived with some new toys, one of which was a pink and purple doodle-pro that she said she picked out "with Charlotte in mind". Charlotte played with that for quite a while and then read a few books. Finally, around 2:30 (an hour late...again) they came to get her. Off to lunch again for mommy and she went to be irradiated.

We came back and she had just gone into the recovery room and woke up about a half hour later. We went back to the "camping truck" at the RV park for dinner and Charlotte ate a whole ear of corn, some chicken, and some chocolate pie. She was pretty talkative and has been in a relatively good mood (despite the constipation).

While exploring the camping truck, Charlotte found a honeydew melon and decided it would be fun to put a hat on it. Then we found some markers and decorated it. Result: Grandpa Honeydew. Pretty cute and we all had a good laugh.

We came back to RMH and a gift was waiting for us: Aunt Lynn had donated one of those Koala Care diaper changing tables for the RMH and the company had matched it with an additional gift (and covered the shipping). Hooray and thanks, Aunt Lynn. I am sure the folks at RMH will be appreciative.

Now Charlotte and I just finished having a heart to heart about pooping. I am becoming more and more convinced that she is holding in her poop as she talks about "I don't like to poop. I only like to pee.". We have talked about how necessary it is to poop to stay healthy and that if she doesn't poop she's going to end up back in the hospital. Sigh. We'll see if it works.

Talked to Roger briefly but it sounds like he has had a good day. We are back to the clinic and then back to proton therapy tomorrow. At least we have a routine.


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