Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another Really Good Day

7:39 AM
Yesterday was a very busy day for mommy and daddy. Fortunately, Aunt B was ready and willing to hang out with Charlotte at the hospital. She had a pretty good day, including some regular poop action (hooray for poops!). She ate well and was up till almost midnight (!!!) after only a 45 minute nap. She had been given some goodies from birthday parties over the weekend. I shared those with her and she was very excited.
She is still asleep. I slept as well as could be expected in the "recliner" and will now be out in search of coffee...
Roger and I had a lovely "date" last night including dinner at the Smokey Pig and a movie at home (Burn After Reading...Coen brother's flick.) Very funny. Very Coen Brothers. Oh and did I mention both Brad Pitt and George Clooney are in it??? :-)
All in all, she seems to be tolerating everything well and has been able to get "up and about' more often than our last hospital stay so that is good. She certainly keeps us busy. Ask Roger how many times he has seen Madagascar (1 or 2).
Hope everyone has a great week. Spring session starts at Romp n' Roll and we are excited! New classes and new faces.

9:10PM Update
Another really good day. I am very happy to report that she is managing this first round well (everyone knock on some wood). She slept in until almost 10 AM (and only got up because I woke her up). Had a decent breakfast. Her appetite has definitely shifted. Some of her medicines that she takes orally (mostly for prevention of constipation) seem to bother her now when they never bothered her before. She also does not have the "ravenous" appetite that she had previously but she is still eating well.
We went "out and about" for about an hour on the unit including out to the playdeck. Weather was so nice! We rode on the swing and she played "hide and seek" with a plastic hippo we had found in one of the playrooms. She would count and I would hide it in different places around the playdeck. It was a great way to get her walking!
The afternoon was mostly TV/movie watching with some books and time for crafts. She made sticker pictures with some of the great stickers folks have brought her. That was fun.
Aunt B arrived later with dinner (yum AND healthy) and we took another multi-lap walk around the unit. I stopped counting after 5...
We keep seeing lots of her former nurses and doctors and they all remark about how great she looks (and she does). Other than the slight appetite shift and the very full diapers every hour (cause they are flushing her with fluids), she is in great spirits and seems to feel great. Only the occasional "ache and pain" and I haven't heard her say once that her "head hurts".
Word on the street is that they think we will be out sometime Wednesday. They are waiting for her methotrexate levels to fall below .1 before they can administer the next round of meds. Since we started late on Friday this is not too surprising.
All for now...

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