Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It Was a Rough Night

7:42 AM
It was a rough and sleepless night for everyone in our household. Charlotte went to bed fairly easily at first (around 8:30) but around 11 or midnite she started fussing. We brought her up to our bed so we could keep an eye on her and try to get some sleep ourselves. Despite the Zofran, she still vomited and then developed this constant cough that wouldn't allow her (or us) to sleep. We had her in many sleeping positions including sitting upright but the cough wouldn't go away. It doesn't seem like a "sick" cough but more like she keeps trying to throw up and just nothing comes out. Anyway, we called the doctor on call. They recommended that we could administer the next Zofran dose (about 90 minutes early) and to bring her in today if her condition doesn't seem to improve.
This morning she seems a bit better. She has been getting IV fluids for 12 hours now so I think that has helped. At least she won't get dehydrated.
This should be a busy day. Hopefully Roger will not have to cancel Romp n' Roll 2Go up in Caroline County. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping she will be ok...
Gotta go find some caffeine.

9:59 AM, Quick update:
Roger and I decided to take Charlotte in to the doctor this morning. After my last post, her condition really didn't improve and the clinic wanted to see her. Roger has taken her in and I hope to have an update soon...

3:22 PM, Update
Charlotte is being admitted to MCV tonight (hopefully just overnight). An abdominal x-ray revealed a rather large mass of P-O-O-P that isn't going anywhere. Plus her hemoglobin is really low and she is spiking a fever. So they are going to attempt an enema (or two), a blood transfusion, and some IV antibiotics.
Roger is with her right now and last I heard they were waiting to move her up to the 7th floor. He will be staying the night and I will be covering his classes this evening.
Please keep your fingers crossed that this goes quickly and we get to go back home (much healthier) soon.
This is turning out to be a long day for all involved.

8:27 PM, Update
Warning! Massively long post! So get some caffeen.
So here we are...
The bad news is that we're back in the hospital for at least a night if not two or three. She has stomach cramps, hasn't eaten much in almost four days and looks like one of those poorly painted manakins you find at small town department stores.
She's been very clingy and sleeping a ton but it's a somewhat light sleep so every time I turn on the TV, even at it's quietest setting, she starts to whine that, "you're-disturbing-me" whine she also uses when you're standing in the way of the TV and Dora is on.
We got to the oncology office at about 9:30 and when they took blood and all that, it turnes out CJ's white cell count was around 0. They hooked up a blood transfusion but something about that didn't agree with her and she almost immediately developed a 101 temp.
It's so hard to see her like this. There's not much I can do to help except hold her hand and rub her belly a little. What makes things worse is that the interns and doctors haven't been up to see her yet and the nurse (We have nurse Kirsty today) can't order any IVs or drugs or anything until they do.
The good news: PRIVATE BATHROOM! We're in corner room 338 on the 7th floor. The phone number is 804-649-5971
It's interesting and slightly disturbing that I feel so comfortable up here. From the cool security guy to the Child Life people, to nurses from the other wards we have met, when we see someone we know, it's nice to see them at first and then everyone realizes that it's not such a good thing to be seeing each other here on the 7th floor. Maybe at King's Dominion or Cracker Barrell or something.
It's now 7:09 and a doctor finally came in to see her and her drugs have been ordered but now they can't seem to locate a pump and stand.
CJ has been alternately sleeping, whining in bed, sleeping, whining in the stroller as we walk around the floor, sleeping, and whining in my arms as we walk around the floor. She's tried to drink a little water which is good but I think it made her cramp up again. I can't imagine how uncomfortable she must be.
We met an adorable little girl with ALL named Maddie and she is a beautiful piece of work. She's bald as a cueball, was wearing a mask so all our silly germs wouldn't make her sick, and was yacking up a storm! CJ was not in the mood to meet anyone so it was a short introduction but if you want to see Maddie's CB site, it's:
Hurray! The pump has arrived! CJ is asleep with a heat pack on her belly (seems to work).
Other housekeeping items: Jackie Plank is becoming our official "party planner" for all things CJ Fundraising related. She'll be working with us and lots of other folks to organize the various events we want to do. There are many events in various stages of planning but the ones about which we want you to know are the head shaving party on Friday, April 10th. We need at least 5 people willing to shave their heads in support/celebration of CJ getting "Daddy's haircut" We will have the volunteers' pictures on jars in the Romp n' Roll Virginia Center lobby and people can "vote" for their favorite victim by dropping in change, bills, gift cards, keys to your Ferrarri (there's that obscure reference again), etc...The one who collects the most money will receive a fabulous prize package worth hundreds or pennies at least.
We want men and women to volunteer. Our friend Heather has put herself on the chopping block so other ladies need not be afraid of being the only one.
If you have a business or organization willing to contribute a prize, please let me or Jackie Plank know. (I'll let Jackie put what contact info she's comfortable posting in a guestbook post)
Next serious event is the "Home Party Bazar." We want to get home based businesses to set up shop in a gym, church, parking lot if it's nice, etc...These could be Papmered Chef (Ooooo!), Yankee Candle (Aaaahhh), Grannie's Superdeluxe Juicer and Tanning Booth(Oooohhh). OK. So I made that last one up.
Each vendor would agree to donate some or all of the proceeds to CJ's fund. We've already heard from multiple folks willing to do this so it's only a matter of finding the right date.
Of course, we've been thinking of a benefit concert. Jackie has generously offered up her property as a venue and my fellow vocalists from the Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet have offered to make themselves available as part of the evening's entertainment.
Anyone know higher-ups in your local police/sherriff's office? I want to explore the possibility of having a "Tickets For Charlotte" day where cops give out fake tickets and people pay the "fine" by making a donation.
It doesn't matter where you live, if someone wanted to have an event in your neck of the woods, like Chicago, Denver, or New Zealand for example, we would be available for interviews with local media, send photos of CJ and/or press releases out, etc...
OK Jackie, SIC 'EM!

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